Hey guys, That's me -
My name is Nitya Sivakumar and I am the founder of Guru Tutoring! I am ebullient (SAT vocabulary word for excited) to be launching this website and blog for Guru Tutoring! Feel free to bookmark me for SAT/ACT tips, registration deadline reminders, fun games and contests, discussion questions, and more! I won't be the only one posting on this blog. The rest of my team (co-founders, other tutors, coordinators, and students) will definitely be contributing as well. I'll let them introduce themselves when they make their first post. This is why this is going to be a great place for all of us to get together, and answer any questions you may have or maybe even highlighting you as the newest student SAT/ACT guru!
Ill start by introducing myself. I am an outgoing personality and I love meeting new people! I grew up very interested in history, all sorts of music, and filmmaking. While I tried out all my talents in school in West Windsor- Plainsboro , I figured out I was really good at standardized tests. But don't worry, just because I got a good score on the SAT and ACT, that didn't mean I could teach! While I pursued my degree, I became a trained and certified SAT, ACT, and academic subjects instructor. As I watched my curriculum and teaching style prove itself over and over with over a 100 students, I figured I was doing something right. That brings us here to Guru Tutoring!
Students: Feel free to use anything on our resources page to make your life easier while you plan to take the SAT or ACT exam. That is what we are here for! If you don't find an answer to your question on our website, call or email us and ask. One of our coordinators or tutors will answer you within HOURS. No, not just students that have hired us as tutors- anyone can ask questions and we will answer you.
Parents: Read above. Everything applies to you guys as well! The college application process can be pretty difficult for you too. We're here for you. No strings attached.
Tutors: Want to work for us? We would love to have you. Tell us some more about you when you request an application from one of our coordinators! Guru Tutoring is growing every day and we could definitely use your help.
Thats all for now. Check back for more goodies!